Search results for best oils for infant massage

Best oils for Infant Massage

In general if you are going to give your infant a massage use an edible oil instead of lotion. Your baby may learn to bring their feet to their mouth while you are massaging them, or they may just be exploring their mouth with their hands, suck their thumb… you get the idea. What ever you put on their skin could easily end up in their mouth.
Also our skin absorbs what ever is put on it.
Having said that, not all oils are great for our skin.
What is Good: safflower, and sunflower are inexpensive, and work well. I can find both of these in my local supermarket.
Avocado is very creamy, and feels great, it is a bit expensive, and not as easy to find.
Canola works well.
What is not recommended: Olive oil. Research studies have shown it can be an irritant to the skin. It is great to ingest, and helps break down cholesterol, it is suggested that it may breaks down oils in our skin, thus leaving the skin drier than before it was used. Never use peanut oil, it is very irritating to the skin.
The following are derived from fruits which are tree nuts, so you might want to check with your pediatrician before using them.
Coconut butter or oil- which can be drying
Almond oil- this has a scent and you want your baby to smell your scent, as this adds to the bonding experience.
Make sure you are all ready before starting a massage, your hands and your baby will get slippery, you won’t be able to jump up to get something, and you need to make sure you can hold your baby safely. Have a towel beside you.

If you want to use a scented oil.  I recommend adding a small amount of lavender oil to the oil you are using.  This has a mild smell and is soothing.

Sit back and enjoy the time with your baby.


Infant Massage Classes

I am a huge fan of infant massage. When I brought my youngest child home from China where we had adopted her, I felt I needed another way to communicate my love for her, and help us to bond together. Giving her a massage each night was just the ticket.
She was a little reluctant at first, but quickly learned to enjoy the massages. I started with her feet, and worked my way up to her arms, back and face. Now  at  18 she will still ask for the occasional massage.  It is a nice way to connect.

Why Massage Your infant:

There is so much research on infant massage,  and the benefits are numerous:

Improved ability to go to sleep, stay asleep and awake refreshed

Improved weight gain

Improved bonding

Increased oxytocin for both the infant and the person giving the massage

It can  aide digestion, and help decrease constipation.

In our busy times, with the distractions of modern life, and the need for both parents to go back to work when  baby is still quite young; it is important to connect with your child and form a strong bond, so you will  become the intuitive parent you want to be.

It is fun and relaxing.

I teach classes at the following location:

The Emerson Wellness Center for Mind and Body

310 Baker Ave., Concord, MA.

This fall I am combining infant massage with infant motor development.  So far the parents have been really pleased to be able to ask questions about their babies development, what equipment makes sense, to swaddle or not to swaddle?

To sign up for a class go to:

Infant Massage Class

In my next blog I will discuss what oils are best to use when giving a massage to your infant.